The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
I say this every month, but how on earth is it May already! We even had snow last week! Snow! At the end of April!
I've had a fairly quiet week and have spent most of it trying to get rid of the fluw. I took a sick day off work on Tuesday and that did help a bit. But then, I went out on Saturday with a few of the girls and ended up going home having caught one of those 24-hour sickness bugs! Honestly, I really want to write off the past week! It's also why this post is late once again. I got nothing done that I wanted to do. But oh well, things can only get better I suppose.
I've had a fairly quiet week and have spent most of it trying to get rid of the fluw. I took a sick day off work on Tuesday and that did help a bit. But then, I went out on Saturday with a few of the girls and ended up going home having caught one of those 24-hour sickness bugs! Honestly, I really want to write off the past week! It's also why this post is late once again. I got nothing done that I wanted to do. But oh well, things can only get better I suppose.
Last Week on the Blog
Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: Bookworm Delights
Thursday - ARC Review: Anything You Want Geoff Herbach
This Week on the Blog
Monday - ARC Review: Wild Swans, Jessica Spotswood
Tuesday - Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Childhood Characters I'd Love to Revisit as Adults
Thursday - ARC Review: The Square Root of Summer
Around the Blogosphere
Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction discusses Reading Different Genres.
Lauren @ Bookmark Lit discusses Older Books Getting a New Look.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight asks Is 15 Years Old Too Young to be Reading 50 Shades of Grey?
Maryam @ Once Upon a Story discusses The Art of Selling ARCs (or Not!).
Cait @ Paper Fury explains Why You Should Start a Book Blog.
Jen @ The Bookavid gives 6 Reasons Why You Got Declined to Review a Book on Netgalley and How to fix This.
What I Read Last Week

Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read This Week

Book Haul
Giveaway win

The Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy #3), Marie Rutkoski
Many thanks to Samina @ Escapism from Reality
Netgalley (haul for the past couple of weeks)

Gilt Hollow, Lorie Langdon / Nina is Not Okay, Shappi Khorsandi / The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett / Baby Doll, Hollie Overton

The Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy #3), Marie Rutkoski
Many thanks to Samina @ Escapism from Reality
Netgalley (haul for the past couple of weeks)

Gilt Hollow, Lorie Langdon / Nina is Not Okay, Shappi Khorsandi / The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett / Baby Doll, Hollie Overton
Currently Listening To
Currently Watching
Game of Thrones (obviously)
This is the only clip I could find (we're also a day behind here (I think) so I won't see episode two until Monday night.
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