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Feature and Follow (29 May)

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The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

I'm one of the featured blogs this week! Along with Amanda of The Darling Bookworm.

bloglovinGFCThis week’s Question:
How many books have you got on your TBR list?

I recently had a bit of a cull of my TBR list so now it is sitting at 269. I'm trying my hardest to get it below 200 by the end of the year but I really don't see it happening. I'd currently be happy if I managed to get it below 225. However, I did recently have a look through my TBR on Goodreads and deleted a few books that I don't think I will actually ever read - I'm not even to sure how they got there anyway.

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Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Congrats on being featured! I have found books on my TBR that surprise me as well. Old follower :)

    1. Thanks. I was really surprised by some of the titles I had on my TBR.

  2. Congrats on being feature! :) Good luck on getting it below 200! I'm trying to get mine below 500, and it's definitely not happening anytime soon. :( Happy Friday! :D

    New follower via GFC
    Fathomless Reveries

    1. Thanks for following! I think I'd cry if my TBR was over 500!

  3. Always too many books! Are there people out there who don't have ridiculous amounts of books in their TBR pile?

    New follower via GFC. Congrats on the feature!

    1. Thanks for following me.
      I'd love to meet someone who has a TBR that isn't in the hundreds.

  4. Always too many books and not enough time to read them! I have over 200 as well....close to 400 if I'm honest ;) One of these days I'll get to them!

    New follower on Bloglovin. Congrats on being the feature this week :)

    1. I know, and I just keep adding books to it faster than I can read them.
      Thanks for following.

  5. There's not a number large enough to talk about how many review books I have. My's scary! :)

    1. We all seem to think we have crazy numbers for TBR. Thanks for visiting :)

  6. Congrats on being this week's feature!

    Wow...269? I have like...ugh...probably...easily...800? Maybe less...maybe more?!?

    Followed you on bloglovin'. :)

    1. Thanks for following.

      I think I'd definitely panic if I had a TBR that size.

  7. That sounds like a lot of books! Good Luck! My FF:

    Old Follower

  8. I should most definitely go through my TBR list on goodreads and delete some too. I'm reaching 2500..... lol

    Joana @ The Boundless Book List

  9. Wow, I feel quite restrained at 181 books!

    Here's my F&F Friday

    Old follower!

    Claire @ Book Blog Bird

    1. At this point I would be extremely happy with a list that long.

  10. Congrats on being featured and wow, you have really got your TBR under control. :)
    New GFC follower

    Here's my FF

    -Njkinny @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

    1. Haha! It doesn't feel under control.
      Thanks for following!

  11. Wow your tbr is twice the size of mine. I feel quite proud of myself now LOL.
    I'm a new bloglovin follower and congrats on being featured.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I feel so out of control!
      Thanks for following me.

  12. I have the same situation, 301 I think, but I'm not sure that I want to read all of this books, some of them it's not looks that good as I thought.
    Old follower.

    1. I'm so glad I've cleared mine out a bit. Got rid of a lot of rubbish.

  13. Congrats on being featured! If you can't get it below 200, hopefully you can get down to 225!

    Lizzie @

  14. Congrats on being a featured blogger!
    Your TBR is looking pretty good.

    New Bloglovin follower
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

  15. I really need to do that too! I think some spring (summer) cleaning is in order at Goodreads this weekend! Congrats on being featured! :) New Bloglovin follower!!

    Here's my F&F!

    1. Thanks for following. I've even done a bit more tidying up since this was posted so it's getting closer to 250 already.

  16. Congrats on being featured!

    I don't keep track of the number of books on my TBR. My list is actually more of a Want to Read list than a To Be Read list.

    My FF:

  17. Congrats of your feature! One day I will clean out my TBR list.. i think...

    New bloglovin follower :)

  18. Congrats on being featured! I currently have 148 books on my tbr! I really hope I can get it under 100 by the end of summer! Fingers crossed!

    Old Bloglovin' follower; New GFC follower!

    Here's my FF!

    1. I wish I had a list the same length as yours. It would seem far more manageable.

  19. Congrats on the feature! And I'd love to get my TBR pile that low! But that'll happen in a million years! Here's My FF! New GFC follower! Happy reading!

    1. It doesn't seem to low tome haha! But I'm glad it's not longer.
      Thanks for following.

  20. That's not too many books. I have nearly 400 that I already own and then all of my Kindle books too. I can't really cull them since I already have them. :P

    My FF!

    1. Yes, I'd definitely advise against culling the owner books haha!

    2. Btw, I have nominated your for the Liebster Award over at my blog. If you've already done this award, please ignore. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy participating!


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