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Top Ten Tuesdays: Summer Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's topic is top ten great beach/summer reads. I will read anything at any time of the year and I haven't been near a beach in six years so I'm just going to make a top ten of books I plan to read in the next month or so. Of course, there is a high probability that his may change slightly.

 The Stars Never Rise (Untitled Series, #1)

 The Other Me

 Never Trust a Happy Song

 The Finish: The Progress of a Murder Uncovered (Venus Squared Book 1)

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  1. I just recently read The Stars Never Rise and even though it wasn't the lightest book to read, all the action would make a thrilling book to read in the summer :)

    1. That's good to hear. I'm away to start reading it either tonight or tomorrow.

  2. No beach in six years?! OH WOW. I would be so lost. XD I've always lived on the coast and I love it. I love City of Bones and I reeeally need to get onto The Elite! *glares at endless TBR* Here's my TTT!

    1. I do live about 20 minutes away from one but it's Scotland therefore always freezing at the beach.
      Thanks for visiting.

  3. I wonder what is no menacing about the clothing store. Here is mine

  4. The teaser, together with the cover, definitely make me want to take a second look at this one.

    This week mine is from a fascinating inspirational book:

    1. You should, I enjoyed it - not my favourites but it was still good.

  5. Menacing clothing store? Interesting! I like the looks of the books coming up next month for you too. My YA teaser this week comes from The Cage by Megan Shepherd. Happy reading!

  6. I've just finished The Stars Never Rise and it was SO GOOD. Terrifying, but brilliant. I love Rachel Vincent's YA writing, her concepts are so original. I hope you enjoy it!
    My TTT

    1. That's so good to hear. I'm away to start reading it.

  7. ooo really excited to see the Elite on your list! i just recently finished reading that series and absolutely loved it! great TTT post this week!

    1. Hopefully it won't be to long until I get around to reading it. I really liked The Selection.

  8. The Stars Never Rise sounds really good! Hope you enjoy these books!
    Lizzie @

  9. I did the same thing with my list! I hope you love The Elite! The Selection is an amazing series!!

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I can't wait to read The Elite, I've heard so much about it.

  10. I'm wondering how a clothing store can look menacing! The models in the windows? This sounds like an interesting book.
    My Tuesday post features Nobody’s Cuter Than You.

    1. I know, London just appears to have a strong aversion to shopping.

  11. I can't wait to read The Stars Never Rise! Definitely read City of Bones, it's one if my favorites. This is a great list, lots of selection!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. I'm just away to start reading The Stars Never Rise. A lot of people are raving about it so hopefully I love it too.

  12. I always feel that as long as you call someone out on the insanity of their plan, you can still follow them! 'Saving London' sounds like a fun read and I hope you enjoy all of your upcoming reads! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week and that I see you at ABEA!
    My Tuesday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Saving London was quite enjoyable, considering the subject.
      Thanks for visiting.

  13. Been a while since I've gotten to the beach as well. Wondering why the clothing store was menacing in your teaser. And on your list, City of Bones is the only one we have in common. Hope we both like it! My Teaser

  14. I LOVED the first three Mortal Instruments books. I was unable to get into any of the other ones. But those first three were GREAT! I'm interested in a few others you've posted as well. These look like great reads.

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to read City of Bones! I've hear so many good things about it.


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