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Book Beginnings, the Friday 56 and Feature and Follow (24 July)

Book Beginnings is a meme hosted every Friday by Rose City Reader where you share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book,  or anything else the opener inspires.  Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

Confessions of a Queen B* (The Queen B*, #1)My Book Beginning is from Confessions of a Queen B* by Crista McHugh:

"In every high school there are two types of Queens Bs. The first type is the most obvious. With a collection of tiaras and an entourage of drones that follow her wherever she flitters, this Queen B practically rules the school (or so she thinks)."
The Friday 56 is a meme hosted every Friday by Freda's Voice.
The Rules:
*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Post it.
*Add your (url) post below in Linky. Add the post url, not your blog url.
*It's that simple.

My Friday 56 is also from Confessions of a Queen B*:
" 'If you're going to start singing show tunes, I'm stopping the car right now and kicking you to the curb.' 'Oh, sweetie, if I wanted to torture you, I'd go all Justin Bieber on you.' "

Increase Blog Followers
The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

The featured blogs this week are Readiculously Peachy and The Book Goddess.

This week’s Question:
What is your favourite movie?

This is such a hard question. I have so many favourites. My favourite childhood movie is The Princess Bride (those who already follow me have probably noticed this) and my favourite Disney movie is Pocahontas. Other notable mentions would be Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Dirty Dancing, Jurassic Park... I could go on for days.

Follow me via GoodreadsFacebook, TwitterBloglovin and Pinterest (though I’m not very good at using it) and also via email to

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. After reading the opening, now I'm curious about the second type of Queen B!
    My Friday post features The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty.

    1. It such a great book, I absolutely loved it!

  2. I've yet to see the Princess Bride but I want to so much! Harry Potter and LOTR are both epic! Great choices! New follower via Twitter and GFC. I also added you back via Bloglovin' :)

    Carrie @The Book Goddess

    1. You should totally watch The Princess Bride! Best movie EVER!
      Thanks for following!

  3. The Princess Bride is one of my favourite movies too - I watched it recently and just loved it. New follower on GFC and Bloglovin

    1. It's just so brilliant isn't it. Definitely something for everyone.

  4. Queen B sounds interesting!

    Here is my Book Beginning:

    1. I loved it! Definitely one I would read again!

  5. Sounds like an interesting read. :)

    1. Oh! It's a great read. I honestly couldn't get enough of it!

  6. The Princess Bride is one of my favourites too. I've never actually seen Dirty Dancing though (cue horrified gasps) ...

    New GFC follower!

    Here's my FF

    1. I love that everyone loves The Princess Bride - I don't feel so alone now! And you HAVE to watch Dirty Dancing. It is brilliant.
      Thanks for following!

  7. I love the excerpt for that alone I would consider reading Confessions of Queen B. Happy Friday!

    1. You definitely should! it is such a good book! I absolutely loved it.

  8. Do check out my FF:

    Old Follower:-)

  9. Sounds fun and like one I'd like.
    Happy weekend!

    1. It is such a good book! Bitchy girls at their best!

  10. I just recently watched Dirty Dancing on TV (finally!) and I LOVED it too!

    Followed you back!

    Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

    1. Yeah! Glad you enjoyed it!

      Thanks for following!

  11. I love the Harry Potter movies, and Pocahontas was one of my favorites when I was a kid.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. You are literally the first person I've met that loves Pocahontas! it's just so underrated!

  12. Love The Princess Bride! that was one of my faves a while back!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Claire @ Book Blog Bird

    1. The Princess Bride is just too good for words!


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