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The Sunday Post (1 January)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly of Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.


Well, it's been a hectic two weeks since my last Sunday Post! Christmas was, of course, very busy. I've barely been around the past two weeks with all the preparation and partying going on. Santa was very good to me too, although for some reason I cannot fathom, I didn't get ANY books from anyone this year! However, I did receive a £30 voucher for Waterstones that I am yet to spend. We also had great fun playing Pie Face and even managed to get my 84-year-old granny involved.

It's also been a rather sad two weeks here. Not only did countless celebrities pass away over the Christmas weekend, but five days before Christmas my old music teacher also passed away. It's just really weird knowing that we will never hear his booming laugh in town any more. Heaven has definitely got a lot louder. I also found out that an old work colleague passed away suddenly at the age of 54 on Boxing Day. I'm just in a state of shock now!

However, on a much happier note, it was my sister-in-laws birthday this week. We had a really fun girls night out clubbing at an 80s and 90s club night. It was fantastic. One of the best nights out I've had in a long time. I was definitely suffering the next day though, but that was soon remedied by the arrival of a McDonalds McChicken Sandwich meal and a duvet day with my sister-in-law watching movies.

After the shenanigans mid-week, I had a fairly quiet Hogmanay. Which is very unusual in Scotland! I did go out with a few others, but I started getting one of my dizzy spells so decided to call it a night. So I was home by 11 and off to bed shortly after the bells. At least I'm not suffering today, though.

Last Two Weeks on the Blog

This Week on the Blog

I'm taking a weeks break from blogging this week, however I am taking part in Bout of Books so I'm thinking I will still be posting my daily updates.

What I Read Over the Last Two Weeks

The Two-Night One-Night StandCrashSoul Crossed (Of Demons and Angels #1)Goodnight Mister Tom

Coyer Reads

The Two-Night One-Night StandSoul Crossed (Of Demons and Angels #1)

Currently Reading

Anna KareninaAll Laced Up (Breakaway, #1)

What I Plan to Read This Week

Norse Mythology 

Book Haul

Follow me via GoodreadsTwitterBloglovin, and Pinterest.

Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Glad to hear Santa was very good to you :) Funny though no books! WTH??? GNOs are my favorite glad your was the best in a long time. Looking forward to your review of Soul Crossed I'm curious how you liked it because it was a DNF for me. Happy New Year!

    1. I know I couldn't believe it when I didn't open any books! I mean don't my family know me at all! I actually really enjoyed Soul Crossed once I got into it.

  2. Hope you have a wonderful 2017!
    Please check out some of my recent posts:

  3. Happy New Year! Yay for Santa being good. Sorry to hear though about your music teacher.

    Lol about McDonalds. The stuff that helps with hangovers! Hope you have a great reading week. I think Norse Mythology by Gaiman looks very promising- can't wait to get a better look at that!

    1. Thank you!

      Yep, a good McD's will always help my hangover! I really enjoyed Norse Mythology - it was definitely different to what I'm used to though.

  4. Happy New Year! I'm one of those grumpy Scots that hates New Year and sits in front of the Tv watching zombies and eating chocolate and grousing about the noise of the fireworks! I didn't get any books or gift cards but I did get some Game of Thrones T shirts and stuff that my dad paid for!

    1. Happy New year to you too! Sometimes, sitting in front of the TV is nice too, especially when it's so busy in the pubs. It's disappointing that you didn't get any books, but pretty nice that you got some GoT t-shirts.


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